Restaurant sayings in french

1. "Bon appétit!" - Enjoy your meal!

2. "La cuisine est un art." - Cooking is an art.

3. "Manger bien, rire souvent, aimer beaucoup." - Eat well, laugh often, love abundantly.

4. "La gourmandise est un joli défaut." - Greediness is a lovely fault.

5. "À la carte" - From the menu.

6. "Cuisine du marché" - Market cuisine.

7. "Savourez chaque bouchée." - Savor every bite.

8. "Le secret d'un bon plat, c'est l'amour." - The secret to a good dish is love.

9. "La table est le seul endroit où l'on ne s'ennuie jamais en compagnie." - The table is the only place where one is never bored in good company.

10. "Manger, c'est entrer en communication avec le monde." - Eating is entering into communication with the world.

Above is Restaurant sayings in french.

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