Retirement sayings funny for coworkers

1. "Retirement: when you stop living at work and start working at living!"

2. "Retirement is like a long vacation in Las Vegas. The goal is to enjoy it to the fullest, but not so fully that you run out of money!"

3. "Retirement is the only time in your life when you can have a life without having a job!"

4. "Retirement: the only time when you can have a 'senior moment' and not worry about it!"

5. "Retirement is the perfect time to do all the things you never had time to do when you were working... like taking naps!"

6. "Retirement is the time when you can finally stop pretending to work and start pretending to relax!"

7. "Retirement is like a fine wine - the longer you wait, the better it gets!"

8. "Retirement: the only time when you can trade your boss for a fishing rod and not feel guilty about it!"

9. "Retirement is the sweet reward for a lifetime of dealing with annoying coworkers!"

10. "Retirement: the ultimate 'out of office' message that never expires!"

Above is Retirement sayings funny for coworkers.

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