Richard gere sayings

Here are some quotes attributed to Richard Gere:

1. "The only thing that will make you happy is being happy with who you are, and not who people think you are."

2. "I've always had a sense of destiny, and I can't lose that."

3. "The best way to be successful is to be yourself."

4. "I'm not interested in making movies for myself. I'm interested in making movies that entertain people."

5. "The truth is, you don't know what's going to happen tomorrow. Life is a crazy ride, and nothing is guaranteed."

6. "I think that the most important thing a woman can have - next to talent, of course - is her hairdresser."

7. "I've always been a bit of a dreamer, but I'm also a realist. I believe in hard work and dedication to achieve your goals."

8. "I'm not a person who has ever felt comfortable in a crowd."

9. "I think the most important thing in life is self-love, because if you don't have self-love, and respect for everything about your own body, your own soul, your own everything, you will constantly be looking for validation from the outside world."

10. "I've always been interested in people, but I've never liked them very much."

Above is Richard gere sayings.

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