Robin mcgraw sayings

Here are some popular sayings attributed to Robin McGraw:

1. "You have to embrace the idea that you are worthy of love and respect."

2. "You can't pour from an empty cup. Take care of yourself first."

3. "Don't let anyone else's opinion define who you are."

4. "Choose to be happy, it's good for your health."

5. "You are in charge of your own happiness. Don't let anyone else take that power away from you."

6. "Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle."

7. "You are enough just as you are. Don't let anyone make you feel otherwise."

8. "Life is too short to waste time on negativity. Surround yourself with positivity and love."

9. "You are the author of your own story. Make it a good one."

10. "Never underestimate the power of kindness and compassion. It can change the world."

Above is Robin mcgraw sayings.

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