Robins sayings to batman

1. "Holy smokes, Batman!"

2. "Gee whiz, Batman, what's the plan?"

3. "Golly, Batman, that was close!"

4. "Jeepers, Batman, we've got to stop them!"

5. "Zoinks, Batman, that was a close call!"

6. "Gosh, Batman, you're always one step ahead!"

7. "Holy moly, Batman, that was amazing!"

8. "Wow, Batman, you're the best crime-fighter ever!"

9. "Jinkies, Batman, I think we've got a mystery to solve!"

10. "Gee willikers, Batman, you're my hero!"

Above is Robins sayings to batman.

Vedantic adi shankara sayings

1. Brahman is the only truth, the world is illusion, and there is ultimately no difference between Brahman and individual self.2. The whole universe is a projection of the mind; therefore, it is unreal. The only reality is Brahman.3. The self is not the body, not the mind, not the intellect. It

Cookie quotes and sayings empire

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14th dalai lama sayings

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1. I'm totally gonna pwn you, noob!2. I'm so lit, I'm on fire!3. I'm gonna wreck you so hard, you'll need a respawn!4. I'm the king of the game, bow down to me!5. Get rekt, scrub!6. I'm gonna unleash my ultimate power on you!7. I'm so pro, I could play with my eyes closed!8. You just

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1. The best advertising is done by satisfied customers. - Philip Kotler2. Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief. - Leo Burnett3. The man who stops advertising to save money is like the man who stops the clock to save time. -

Granny house quotes sayings

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Needlepoint canvases with sayings

Here are some needlepoint canvases with sayings that you may like:1. Home Sweet Home2. Live, Laugh, Love3. Bless This House4. Be Kind5. Love Never Fails6. Good Vibes Only7. Choose Joy8. You Are Loved9. Dream Big10. Home is Where the Heart IsThese sayings can be stitched onto need