Rocky horror picture show sayings

1. "Don't dream it, be it."

2. "Give yourself over to absolute pleasure."

3. "It's just a jump to the left, and then a step to the right."

4. "Dammit, Janet!"

5. "Let's do the Time Warp again!"

6. "I see you shiver with antici...pation."

7. "Hot patootie, bless my soul!"

8. "Touch-a, touch-a, touch-a, touch me."

9. "I'm just a sweet transvestite from Transsexual, Transylvania."

10. "We are the weirdos, mister."

Above is Rocky horror picture show sayings.

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Don't give a sayings

Sure, I won't provide any sayings. How can I assist you today?

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December sayings for bulletin boards

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