Rose thorn quotes sayings

1. "Every rose has its thorn."

2. "The rose's beauty is worth the pain of its thorns."

3. "Beneath every rose lies a thorn."

4. "The thorn protects the rose, but it also reminds us of its presence."

5. "In a bed of roses, beware of the thorns."

6. "The thorn of a rose is a reminder that beauty comes with a price."

7. "A rose without thorns is not a true rose."

8. "Even the most beautiful things have their flaws, like the thorns on a rose."

9. "The thorn may prick, but the rose still blooms."

10. "The thorn is a part of the rose's story, just as pain is a part of life's journey."

Above is Rose thorn quotes sayings.

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