Rotten cards quotes sayings

Here are some quotes and sayings related to rotten cards:

1. "Life is like a deck of cards, sometimes you get dealt a rotten hand."

2. "When life gives you rotten cards, play them with a smile."

3. "In the game of life, sometimes you have to play with the rotten cards you're dealt."

4. "Even the rotten cards in the deck can lead to a winning hand."

5. "Don't let the rotten cards in life define your game."

6. "The strength of a player is not determined by the cards they are dealt, but by how they play them."

7. "When faced with rotten cards, remember that the game isn't over yet."

8. "Rotten cards can be a blessing in disguise, teaching us resilience and determination."

9. "The true test of character is how you handle the rotten cards in life."

10. "Sometimes the rotten cards lead to the most valuable lessons."

Above is Rotten cards quotes sayings.

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