Royal enfield quotes sayings

1. "Ride as if the road is your kingdom and the Royal Enfield is your chariot."

2. "In a world full of trends, be a classic like a Royal Enfield."

3. "The thump of a Royal Enfield is not just a sound, it's a heartbeat."

4. "Four wheels move the body, but two wheels move the soul - especially when it's a Royal Enfield."

5. "Life is a journey, enjoy the ride with a Royal Enfield."

6. "Riding a Royal Enfield is not just a hobby, it's a way of life."

7. "Some people collect stamps, I collect memories on my Royal Enfield."

8. "The only thing better than riding a Royal Enfield is riding it with friends."

9. "A Royal Enfield is not just a bike, it's a legacy."

10. "When in doubt, throttle it out on your Royal Enfield."

Above is Royal enfield quotes sayings.

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1. A friend cannot be considered a friend until he is tested in three occasions: in time of need, behind your back, and after your death.2. The best friend is the one who helps you to become a better person.3. A true friend is one who sees your faults and forgives them, who knows your weaknesse

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Common farsi sayings

1. درود بر شما (Dorood bar shoma) - Greetings to you2. به بهانه ای برای گفتن (Beh bahanei baraye goftan) - Just an excuse to talk3. هر که بر خود نگران است، از دیگران آسوده است (Har ke bar khod negaran ast, az digaran asude ast) - He who is concerned about himself is at ease with others4.

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1. Taste and see that the Lord is good. - Psalm 34:82. Sweetness of speech increases persuasiveness. - Proverbs 16:213. A kind word is like honey, sweet to the soul and healing to the bones. - Proverbs 16:244. How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! - Psalm 119:

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1. May your new job bring you success and fulfillment.2. Wishing you all the best as you embark on this new chapter in your career.3. Good luck in your new role, may you excel and achieve great things.4. May this new job bring you joy, growth, and prosperity.5. Sending you positive vibes an

A little english common chinese to english sayings

1. 一步一个脚印 - One step at a time2. 有志者事竟成 - Where there's a will, there's a way3. 机不可失,时不再来 - Seize the opportunity4. 山不转路转 - If the mountain will not come to Mahomet, Mahomet must go to the mountain5. 宁为鸡头,不为凤尾 - Better to be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix

English sayings referring time

1. Time flies when you're having fun.2. Time heals all wounds.3. Time is of the essence.4. Time waits for no man.5. Lost time is never found again.6. Time is money.7. Make the most of your time.8. Time is a great teacher.9. Time is a great healer.10. Time and tide wait for no man.

Stmpathy sayings

1. I'm here for you, no matter what.2. I understand how you feel, and I'm here to support you.3. You're not alone in this, I'm here to listen.4. I can't imagine what you're going through, but I'm here to help in any way I can.5. Sending you love and strength during this difficult time.6.

Julius caesar sayings

Here are some famous sayings attributed to Julius Caesar:1. Veni, vidi, vici. (I came, I saw, I conquered.)2. Alea iacta est. (The die is cast.)3. Et tu, Brute? (And you, Brutus?)4. Cowards die many times before their deaths; the valiant never taste of death but once.5. Experience is the te