Royal marine sayings and quotes

1. "Per Mare, Per Terram" - By Sea, By Land (Royal Marines motto)

2. "Fortune Favours the Brave"

3. "Earn your Trident every day"

4. "Uncommon Valour was a Common Virtue"

5. "First in, Last out"

6. "Adapt and Overcome"

7. "A Royal Marine never gives up"

8. "Fear Naught"

9. "The Few, The Proud, The Royal Marines"

10. "Swift and Bold"

Above is Royal marine sayings and quotes.

Sayings about being strong woman

1. A strong woman stands up for herself. A stronger woman stands up for others.2. She remembered who she was and the game changed.3. Strong women don't play victim, don't make themselves look pitiful, and don't point fingers. They stand and they deal.4. A strong woman is one who is able to sm

Birthday card sayings for mom in spanish

1. Querida mamá, en tu cumpleaños quiero expresarte todo mi amor y gratitud por ser la mejor madre del mundo. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!2. Mamá, en este día especial quiero desearte toda la felicidad del mundo. Gracias por ser mi guía y mi inspiración. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!3. En tu cumpleaños, mamá, quiero rec

Martin luther king sayings

Here are some famous sayings by Martin Luther King Jr.:1. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character.2. Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.3. Darkness

Johnny 5 sayings

1. More input!2. No disassemble!3. Need input!4. Number 5 is alive!5. Input! More input!

Cute pancake sayings

1. You're flippin' awesome!2. You're the butter to my pancake.3. Life is batter with you.4. I love you a waffle lot.5. You're the syrup to my pancake.6. You're my favorite topping.7. You're batter than the rest.8. You're the sweetest stack.9. You're the cherry on top.10. You're th

Sayings in 2022

1. Adapt and thrive.2. Embrace the uncertainty.3. Change is the only constant.4. Innovate or get left behind.5. Resilience is key.6. Progress over perfection.7. Stay curious, stay learning.8. Kindness is never out of style.9. Focus on what you can control.10. Tomorrow is a new day

Caring of pet sayings

1. A pet is a friend that never judges, always loves, and is always there for you.2. Pets leave paw prints on our hearts.3. The best therapist has fur and four legs.4. Pets are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole.5. Love is a four-legged word.6. Happiness is a warm puppy.7.

Mother's day card sayings from child

1. To the best mom in the world, happy Mother's Day! Thank you for all the love and care you give me every day.2. Mom, you are my superhero and my best friend. I love you more than words can express. Happy Mother's Day!3. Dear Mom, your love is the light that guides me through every day. Thank

Russian sayings about death

1. Смерть как сон (Death is like a sleep) - This saying suggests that death is a peaceful and natural process, similar to falling asleep.2. Смерть не выбирает (Death does not choose) - This saying emphasizes the inevitability of death, regardless of age, status, or circumstances.3. Смерть как о

Old lebanese sayings

1. The one who has no bread has no authority.2. A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.3. The one who doesn't work, doesn't eat.4. The wound of words is worse than the wound of swords.5. A friend is known in time of need.6. A good neighbor is better than a distant relative.7. The o