Royal sayings quotes

1. "Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown." - William Shakespeare

2. "Heavy is the head that wears the crown." - Unknown

3. "A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in." - Frederick the Great

4. "Kings have long arms, but misfortune longer ones." - Edward III

5. "The crown is heavy, darlings, so just leave it where it belongs." - Queen Elizabeth II

6. "The crown is not my right, and pleasurably I would not part with it." - Queen Elizabeth I

7. "A king who does not lead his men into battle is not a king worth following." - Unknown

8. "A crown is a hat, and only a hat, that lets the rain in and does not protect the wearer from the storm." - George R.R. Martin

9. "A crown is merely a hat that lets the rain in." - Frederick the Great

10. "A crown is a hat, and only a hat, that lets the rain in and does not protect the wearer from the storm." - George R.R. Martin

Above is Royal sayings quotes.

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