Ru pauls drag race sayings

1. "Sashay away" - RuPaul's catchphrase when eliminating a contestant.

2. "Condragulations" - A play on "congratulations" used to praise a contestant.

3. "The library is open" - Referring to the reading challenge where contestants humorously insult each other.

4. "Don't f**k it up" - RuPaul's advice to contestants before a performance or challenge.

5. "If you can't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" - RuPaul's iconic sign-off at the end of each episode.

6. "Charisma, uniqueness, nerve, and talent" - The qualities RuPaul looks for in a drag queen.

7. "Can I get an amen up in here?" - RuPaul's call for agreement or support from the contestants.

8. "You better werk!" - Encouragement for contestants to give their best performance.

9. "Good luck, and don't f**k it up" - RuPaul's final words before a lip-sync battle.

10. "Everybody say love!" - RuPaul's reminder to spread positivity and acceptance.

Above is Ru pauls drag race sayings.

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