Rude bingo number sayings

1. "B11 - Like pulling teeth to get you to do anything."

2. "O69 - Just as predictable as this number."

3. "G55 - Always late to the party, just like this number."

4. "N40 - About as useful as a screen door on a submarine."

5. "I22 - More lost than this number in a sea of bingo balls."

6. "O75 - As stubborn as this number refusing to be called."

7. "B4 - About as exciting as watching paint dry."

8. "G60 - Slower than this number getting to the bingo caller."

9. "N33 - About as sharp as a bowling ball."

10. "I16 - Just as elusive as this number in your winning pattern."

Above is Rude bingo number sayings.

Wouldn't trust him sayings

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Sayings with go in them

1. When the going gets tough, the tough get going.2. Go big or go home.3. Go with the flow.4. Let go and let God.5. Go the extra mile.6. Go for broke.7. Go for it, no matter how it ends.8. Go where the wind takes you.9. Go all out.10. Go for the gold.

Black and gold.better than red and blur sayings

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Gas monkey sayings

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Christmas cards for friends sayings

1. Wishing you a season filled with love, joy, and laughter. Merry Christmas, my dear friend!2. May your heart be light, your spirits bright, and your holiday season merry and bright. Merry Christmas, friend!3. Sending warm wishes and holiday cheer your way. Merry Christmas to a wonderful frien