Runner up sayings

1. "Second place is just the first loser."

2. "First the worst, second the best."

3. "Always a bridesmaid, never a bride."

4. "Close, but no cigar."

5. "Just missed the mark."

6. "Falling short of the finish line."

7. "Almost there, but not quite."

8. "Just shy of victory."

9. "A step behind the winner."

10. "The silver lining in defeat."

Above is Runner up sayings.

Cute spanish birthday sayings

1. ¡Feliz cumpleaños! Que todos tus deseos se hagan realidad.2. Que este día esté lleno de alegría, amor y muchas sorpresas. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!3. En tu día especial, te deseo todo lo mejor. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!4. Que la vida te sonría siempre y que hoy sea un día inolvidable. ¡Feliz cumpleaños!5. Que

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1. I am the bringer of the seasons, the giver of life and abundance.2. The earth is my domain, and I am its protector.3. Let the crops grow tall and the harvest be bountiful in my name.4. As the mother of Persephone, I understand the cycle of life and death.5. May the earth be fertile and t

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1. I am Catwoman. Hear me roar.2. Life's a bitch, now so am I.3. I don't know about you, Miss Kitty, but I feel so much yummier.4. I am the cat who walks by herself, and all places are alike to me.5. It's not about what I want, it's about what I need.6. I am Catwoman, hear me purr.7. I

Dizzy gillespie sayings

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Drug addict sayings

1. One more hit won't hurt.2. I can quit anytime I want.3. I need it to function.4. Just one more fix and I'll be fine.5. I can't face reality without it.6. It's the only thing that makes me feel alive.7. I'll stop tomorrow, I promise.8. I need it to cope with my problems.9. I can't

Sayings in turkish

1. Düşenin dostu olmaz. (No one is a friend to the fallen.)2. Damlaya damlaya göl olur. (Drop by drop, it becomes a lake.)3. Yavaş yavaş dağlar aşılır. (Slowly but surely, mountains are crossed.)4. Sabrın sonu selamettir. (The end of patience is safety.)5. Her şeyin başı sağlık. (Health is

Photo sayings about love

1. Love is a canvas furnished by nature and embroidered by imagination. - Voltaire2. Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. - Aristotle3. Love is like the wind, you can't see it but you can feel it. - Nicholas Sparks4. In the arithmetic of love, one plus one equals everythin

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1. I'm ready, I'm ready!2. I'm a Goofy Goober, yeah!3. F is for friends who do stuff together, U is for you and me!4. I'm ugly and I'm proud!5. The best time to wear a striped sweater is all the time!6. I'm a fry cook, not a doctor!7. I'm absorbing his blows like I'm made of some sort o

Canada sayings great white

Great White is a term commonly used to refer to the Great White Shark, a large predatory fish found in oceans around the world. In Canada, the Great White Shark is not native to its waters, but the term may still be used in reference to the species in general.

Rafa nadal sayings

1. I always say the same thing: I love what I do. When I don't love what I do, I will stop doing it.2. You have to go for it. You can't play it safe, you can't play for a draw. You have to go for the win.3. I'm not the best, I'm not the most talented, I'm not the most handsome, I'm not the most