Russian mafia sayings

Here are some common sayings associated with the Russian mafia:

1. "Вор в законе не погибнет" (The thief in law will not perish) - This saying emphasizes the power and influence of the criminal underworld, suggesting that those who are part of the mafia are protected and will not be destroyed.

2. "Сила в правде, а правда с нами" (Strength is in truth, and truth is with us) - This saying implies that the mafia operates with a sense of righteousness and justice, even though their actions may be criminal.

3. "Не доверяй, проверяй" (Don't trust, verify) - This saying highlights the importance of caution and vigilance in dealing with others, especially in the world of organized crime.

4. "Смерть лучше чем позор" (Death is better than shame) - This saying reflects the extreme loyalty and commitment expected from members of the Russian mafia, suggesting that they would rather die than bring shame upon themselves or their organization.

Please note that these sayings are associated with a criminal underworld and do not reflect the values or beliefs of law-abiding citizens.

Above is Russian mafia sayings.

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