Russian sayings about size

1. "Маленькими шагами далеко не уйдешь." (You won't get far with small steps.)

2. "В маленьком пузырьке больше шуму." (There is more noise in a small bubble.)

3. "Мал, да удал." (Small, but mighty.)

4. "В маленьком теле большой ум." (A small body harbors a great mind.)

5. "Мало лишь мало, а много недостаточно." (Little is not enough, and much is insufficient.)

6. "В маленькой бочке дорогой мед." (In a small barrel, there is expensive honey.)

7. "Малое хорошо, да великое лучше." (Small is good, but great is better.)

8. "Мало места не бывает." (There is never enough space.)

9. "Мал и волк, да далеко не уйдешь." (Small is the wolf, but you won't get far.)

10. "Мал и в глазах, да велик в деле." (Small in appearance, but great in action.)

Above is Russian sayings about size.

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