Sai baba sayings meaning in english

Sai Baba was a revered spiritual leader in India known for his teachings and sayings that emphasized love, compassion, and selflessness. Here are some of his sayings along with their meanings in English:

1. "Why fear when I am here": This saying conveys the message that one should not be afraid or anxious when Sai Baba is there to protect and guide them.

2. "Love all, serve all": This saying emphasizes the importance of showing love and compassion to all beings and serving others selflessly.

3. "Help ever, hurt never": This saying encourages people to always be ready to help others in need and to avoid causing harm or hurt to anyone.

4. "Do not be idle": This saying stresses the importance of being active and productive in life, and not wasting time in idleness.

5. "Be content with what you have": This saying teaches the value of being satisfied and grateful for what one already has, rather than constantly seeking more.

6. "God is the doer, you are the instrument": This saying reminds people to surrender to a higher power and to act as instruments of divine will in their actions.

These sayings of Sai Baba carry profound wisdom and guidance for leading a meaningful and fulfilling life.

Above is Sai baba sayings meaning in english.

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