Samadhi sayings

1. "In samadhi, the mind becomes still and the soul becomes aware of its true nature."

2. "Samadhi is the state of complete absorption and union with the divine."

3. "Through samadhi, one can experience the ultimate bliss and peace that comes from connecting with the higher self."

4. "Samadhi is the gateway to spiritual enlightenment and self-realization."

5. "In samadhi, the boundaries between the self and the universe dissolve, leading to a profound sense of oneness and interconnectedness."

6. "The practice of meditation can lead one to the state of samadhi, where the mind transcends all limitations and experiences pure consciousness."

7. "Samadhi is not just a temporary state of bliss, but a lasting transformation of the self that brings about profound inner peace and wisdom."

8. "Through samadhi, one can tap into the infinite source of love and wisdom that resides within each of us."

9. "In samadhi, the ego dissolves and one experiences a sense of unity with all of creation."

10. "Samadhi is the culmination of the spiritual journey, where one realizes their true nature as pure consciousness."

Above is Samadhi sayings.

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