Samhain blessings sayings

1. "May the spirits of our ancestors guide and protect us this Samhain."

2. "Blessed be the veil between the worlds, may it bring us wisdom and clarity."

3. "As the wheel turns and the darkness grows, may we find light and strength within."

4. "May the blessings of the season fill your heart with peace and joy."

5. "In the shadow of the harvest moon, may we find abundance and gratitude."

6. "Blessings of the ancient ones be upon you this Samhain."

7. "May the spirits of the land and the elements bless and protect us."

8. "As we honor the cycle of life and death, may we embrace transformation and renewal."

9. "May the magic of the season bring you blessings of love, abundance, and prosperity."

10. "Blessed Samhain to you and yours, may the spirits walk with you on this sacred night."

Above is Samhain blessings sayings.

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