Samoan sayings about death

1. "O le fa'asoa lea o le matagi i le fafine, o le fa'asoa lea o le la o le tagata." (The wind scatters the leaves of a tree, just as death scatters the days of a person.)

2. "O le fa'asoa lea o le la o le tagata, ae le fa'asoa lea o le tagata i le la." (Death scatters the days of a person, but a person cannot scatter death.)

3. "O le mate lea o le tagata, ae le mate lea o le alofa." (People die, but love does not die.)

4. "O le mate lea o le tagata, ae le mate lea o le fa'asinomaga." (People die, but their legacy lives on.)

5. "O le mate lea o le tagata, ae le mate lea o le agaga." (People die, but their spirit lives on.)

These sayings reflect the Samoan perspective on death as a natural part of life, and the belief that while the physical body may perish, the essence of a person continues to exist in various forms.

Above is Samoan sayings about death.

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