Sanskrit sayings on gold

1. "सुवर्णं हि सुवर्णेन विद्यते" (Suvarṇaṁ hi suvarṇena vidyate) - Gold is known by gold itself.

2. "सुवर्णं भूषणं भूषणं" (Suvarṇaṁ bhūṣaṇaṁ bhūṣaṇaṁ) - Gold is the ornament of ornaments.

3. "सुवर्णं न भूषयति यः" (Suvarṇaṁ na bhūṣayati yaḥ) - Gold does not adorn the one who does not possess it.

4. "सुवर्णं धारयति यः स विजयी भवति" (Suvarṇaṁ dhārayati yaḥ sa vijayī bhavati) - The one who holds gold becomes victorious.

5. "सुवर्णं न विक्रियते" (Suvarṇaṁ na vikriyate) - Gold is not sold.

Above is Sanskrit sayings on gold.

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