Sarcastic confucius sayings

1. "Man who stand on toilet is high on pot."

2. "Man who run in front of car get tired, man who run behind car get exhausted."

3. "Woman who fly upside down have crack up."

4. "Man who fart in church sit in own pew."

5. "Man who walk through airport turnstile sideways going to Bangkok."

Above is Sarcastic confucius sayings.

Purple colour sayings

1. Purple reigns.2. In the purple of the night.3. Born to be royal, in purple.4. Paint the town purple.5. Purple haze.6. Purple power.7. Purple is the color of royalty.8. Purple passion.9. Purple dreams.10. Purple perfection.

Funny 60th 60th birthday sayings

1. 60 is only 15 in Celsius!2. At 60, you're just getting warmed up!3. 60 years young and still fabulous!4. 60 and fabulous, just like fine wine!5. 60 is the new 40... with 20 years of experience!6. Happy 60th birthday! You're not old, you're vintage!7. 60 and still rocking it like a te

Acquisition sayings

1. Buy when everyone else is selling and hold until everyone else is buying. That's not just a catchy slogan. It's the very essence of successful investing. - J. Paul Getty2. The best acquisition strategy is to buy great companies when they are undervalued. - Warren Buffett3. Acquisitions are a

Dinner quotes sayings

1. The only time to eat diet food is while you're waiting for the steak to cook. - Julia Child2. Food is symbolic of love when words are inadequate. - Alan D. Wolfelt3. One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well. - Virginia Woolf4. There is no sincerer love than t

Christmas card sayings to nan and grandad

1. To our wonderful Nan and Grandad, may your Christmas be filled with love, joy, and cherished memories.2. Sending warm wishes to the best Nan and Grandad ever. Merry Christmas!3. Nan and Grandad, you make our Christmas merry and bright. Wishing you a holiday season filled with happiness and l

Sayings for people with disability quotes

1. Disability is a matter of perception. If you can do just one thing well, you're needed by someone. - Martina Navratilova2. The only disability in life is a bad attitude. - Scott Hamilton3. Just because a man lacks the use of his eyes doesn't mean he lacks vision. - Stevie Wonder4. Disabili

Grief quotes and sayings

1. Grief is the price we pay for love. - Queen Elizabeth II2. Grief is the last act of love we have to give to those we loved. Where there is deep grief, there was great love. - Unknown3. Grief, I’ve learned, is really just love. It’s all the love you want to give, but cannot. All of that unspe

Pretender quotes and sayings

1. A pretender is a hypocrite who deceives others by pretending to be something they are not. 2. Pretenders are like actors on a stage, playing a role to fool the audience. 3. Beware of the pretender, for their words may be sweet but their intentions are bitter. 4. A pretender may wear a crow

Jazz sayings

1. It don't mean a thing if it ain't got that swing. - Duke Ellington2. The real power of jazz is that a group of people can come together and create improvised art and negotiate their agendas... and that negotiation is the art. - Wynton Marsalis3. Jazz is not just music, it's a way of life, it

Finnish funny sayings in finnish

1. Ei maksa mitään, mutta maksaa kuitenkin. (It doesn't cost anything, but it still costs.)2. Ei se ole mikään kiire, mutta kyllä se on tehtävä. (It's not urgent, but it still needs to be done.)3. Ei ole kiire mihinkään, mutta kyllä se on tehtävä ennen huomista. (There's no rush, but it needs