Sarcastic sayings about selfies

1. "Because nothing says 'I'm living in the moment' like taking 50 selfies to get the perfect angle."

2. "Who needs self-awareness when you have a front-facing camera?"

3. "If a selfie falls in the forest and no one likes it, did it even happen?"

4. "Taking selfies is the best way to show the world how much you love yourself...and your filters."

5. "I'm pretty sure the ancient philosophers were talking about selfies when they said 'know thyself.'"

6. "Why bother making memories when you can just take selfies instead?"

7. "If you don't post a selfie, did the moment even really happen?"

8. "Selfies: because the world needs more pictures of your face."

9. "Who needs a mirror when you have a smartphone with a camera?"

10. "Taking selfies is a great way to document every moment of your life that you want people to think you're having."

Above is Sarcastic sayings about selfies.

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