Savage karma sayings

1. "Karma has no menu, you get served what you deserve."

2. "What goes around, comes around. Karma is a boomerang."

3. "Don't be surprised when karma comes knocking on your door. It knows where you live."

4. "Karma is like a mirror, it reflects what you put out into the world."

5. "You can't escape the consequences of your actions. Karma always finds a way."

6. "Karma is the universe's way of balancing the scales. It always evens things out."

7. "The universe has a way of giving back what you put into it. Be careful what you sow."

8. "Karma is a silent observer, but it never forgets. It's always watching."

9. "You can't cheat karma. It knows all your tricks and will catch up to you eventually."

10. "The best revenge is letting karma do its job. Trust that it will deliver what is deserved."

Above is Savage karma sayings.

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