Save money quotes and sayings

1. "A penny saved is a penny earned." - Benjamin Franklin

2. "The art is not in making money, but in keeping it." - Proverb

3. "Save a little money each month and at the end of the year you'll be surprised at how little you have." - Ernest Haskins

4. "Don't save what is left after spending, but spend what is left after saving." - Warren Buffet

5. "The best way to save money is not to waste it." - Muriel Spark

6. "Saving money is a good habit, but investing is a better one." - George Clason

7. "Money looks better in the bank than on your feet." - Sophia Amoruso

8. "The more you save, the more you'll have for the future." - Unknown

9. "Saving money is a way of protecting yourself from life's uncertainties." - Unknown

10. "It's not your salary that makes you rich, it's your spending habits." - Charles A. Jaffe

Above is Save money quotes and sayings.

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