Savitribai phule sayings

Savitribai Phule was a prominent social reformer and women's rights activist in 19th century India. She was known for her progressive thoughts and beliefs, and some of her famous sayings include:

1. "Educate a woman and you educate a family."

2. "Do not wait for anybody or anything. Do your own work and know that you are your own savior."

3. "The only remedy for the upliftment of women is education."

4. "Awake, arise, and educate. Smash traditions, liberate women."

5. "Let us unite, let us be of one mind, let us be of one heart, so that we may be able to stand against the enemy."

6. "The idea of womanhood is not limited to the home, the idea of womanhood is not limited to the kitchen, the idea of womanhood is not limited to the family. The idea of womanhood is to be free."

7. "We should not only be proud of our mothers and sisters, but we should also respect them and give them equal rights."

8. "Women should not depend upon men for their identity. They should create their own identity and stand on their own feet."

These sayings reflect Savitribai Phule's commitment to gender equality, education, and empowerment of women in society.

Above is Savitribai phule sayings.

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