Sayings about a hot day

1. "It's so hot, you could fry an egg on the sidewalk."

2. "The sun is relentless, beating down without mercy."

3. "Sweat is just your body crying for mercy on a hot day."

4. "The heat is like a heavy blanket, suffocating and oppressive."

5. "Even the air feels like it's on fire on a scorching day."

6. "It's so hot, even the shade offers little relief."

7. "The heat waves shimmer like a mirage in the distance."

8. "The sun is a fiery orb in the sky, relentless in its intensity."

9. "On a hot day, even the ice melts quickly."

10. "The heat is like a weight on your shoulders, making every movement a struggle."

Above is Sayings about a hot day.

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