Sayings about adoption

1. "Adoption is not the call to have the perfect child, but to give a child the love and family they deserve."

2. "Adoption is the act of choosing love over biology."

3. "Family isn't defined by blood, but by love and commitment."

4. "Adoption is the beautiful way of creating a family, not by blood, but by choice."

5. "Adoption is the gift of a lifetime, both for the child and the parents."

6. "Adoption is not the end of a biological family, but the beginning of a new, chosen family."

7. "Adoption is the process of turning a stranger into a beloved family member."

8. "Adoption is the opportunity to give a child a new beginning and a bright future."

9. "Adoption is the act of opening your heart and home to a child in need."

10. "Adoption is the ultimate act of love and selflessness."

Above is Sayings about adoption.

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