Sayings about always trying to please everyone

1. "You can't please everyone, so focus on pleasing yourself first."

2. "Trying to please everyone is a recipe for stress and disappointment."

3. "You can't be everyone's cup of tea, so just be true to yourself."

4. "Those who try to please everyone end up pleasing no one."

5. "You can't control how others perceive you, so focus on being true to yourself."

6. "It's exhausting to constantly seek approval from others, be content with who you are."

7. "Be yourself, because trying to please everyone else is a never-ending battle."

8. "You are not responsible for everyone's happiness, focus on your own well-being."

9. "Trying to please everyone is a sure way to lose yourself in the process."

10. "The only person you should strive to please is yourself, everyone else's opinion is secondary."

Above is Sayings about always trying to please everyone.

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