Sayings about appetite

1. "The appetite comes with eating."

2. "A good appetite is a sign of health."

3. "Appetite is the best sauce."

4. "Hunger is the best sauce in the world."

5. "Appetite is the best seasoning."

6. "The stomach has no ears."

7. "A full stomach makes a dull brain."

8. "The appetite of the lazy craves, but gets nothing."

9. "An empty stomach is the best cook."

10. "The appetite of the lazy man craves, but gets nothing."

Above is Sayings about appetite.

Dedication sayings to family

1. Family is not an important thing, it's everything. - Michael J. Fox2. Family is where life begins and love never ends.3. Family: where life begins and love never ends.4. Family is the heart of a home.5. Family is the anchor that holds us through life's storms.6. Family is the greatest

Don t take things for granted sayings

1. Don't take things for granted, because everything can change in an instant.2. Appreciate what you have before it becomes what you had.3. Don't take for granted the things that most deserve our gratitude.4. The things we take for granted, someone else is praying for.5. Gratitude turns wha

Cute friendship sayings

1. Friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there.2. Good friends are like snowflakes, all different and all beautiful.3. A true friend is the greatest of all blessings.4. Friends are the family we choose for ourselves.5. Friendship is born at that momen

Blood diamond sayings

1. A diamond with a flaw is worth more than a pebble without imperfections. - Chinese Proverb2. Diamonds are nothing more than chunks of coal that stuck to their jobs. - Malcolm Forbes3. Diamonds are a girl's best friend. - Marilyn Monroe4. Pressure makes diamonds. - George S. Patton5. Diam

Granny sayings funny

1. If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen... or at least turn down the stove!2. You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it do the dishes.3. Don't count your chickens before they hatch... or your grandkids before they're potty-trained.4. A watched pot never boils... but

Popular sayings of 2022

1. Stay safe, stay strong.2. Adapt and overcome.3. In it together.4. Resilience is key.5. New year, new mindset.6. Embrace the unknown.7. Progress over perfection.8. Kindness is contagious.9. Change starts within.10. Keep moving forward.

Best friend for life sayings

1. A best friend is like a four-leaf clover, hard to find and lucky to have.2. Good friends are like stars, you don't always see them but you know they're always there.3. Friends come and go, but best friends stay forever.4. A best friend is someone who knows all about you and still loves you

Sayings beginning n

1. Never say never.2. No pain, no gain.3. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.4. Not all who wander are lost.5. No man is an island.6. Necessity is the mother of invention.7. No rest for the wicked.8. No time like the present.9. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.10.

Alien spaghetti religion sayings

I'm not aware of any specific sayings from an alien spaghetti religion, as that is a fictional concept. However, if you have a specific saying in mind or a question about a particular aspect of this concept, feel free to share and I'll do my best to provide a response.

Periyar sayings about manliness in tamil

Here are some of Periyar's sayings about manliness in Tamil:1. ஆண்பால் மனிதர் பெருமையானவர்கள் அல்ல, அவர்கள் பெருமையான ஆண்கள்.2. ஆண்பால் உயர்ந்த மனிதர்கள் அல்ல, அவர்கள் உயர்ந்த ஆண்கள்.3. ஆண்பால் உயர்ந்த ஆண்கள் அல்ல, அவர்கள் உயர்ந்த மனிதர்கள்.These sayings by Periyar emphasize that true manliness is n