Sayings about awards
1. "Awards are a recognition of hard work and dedication."
2. "Winning an award is a testament to one's talent and perseverance."
3. "Awards are like milestones that mark the journey to success."
4. "Receiving an award is a validation of one's efforts and achievements."
5. "Awards are a reflection of excellence and merit."
6. "Behind every award is a story of passion, commitment, and resilience."
7. "Awards inspire us to aim higher and reach for greater heights."
8. "Winning an award is a moment of celebration for all the hard work put in."
9. "Awards are a symbol of recognition and appreciation for outstanding performance."
10. "The true value of an award lies in the journey it took to achieve it."
Above is Sayings about awards.
1. As if!2. Talk to the hand.3. All that and a bag of chips.4. Booyah!5. Psych!6. What's the 411?7. Don't have a cow, man.8. Oh snap!9. You go, girl!10. As the kids say, 'That's totally tubular!'
1. Do Your Job2. In Bill We Trust3. Patriots Nation4. We're on to [next opponent]5. No Days Off6. Ignore the Noise7. One More8. Do Your Job, Finish the Job9. The Patriot Way10. We Are All Patriots
as tough as trying to tickle yourself
1. Good fences make good neighbors.2. A good neighbor is a priceless treasure.3. Neighbors are the family we choose for ourselves.4. A true friend is always there for you, just like a good neighbor.5. Love thy neighbor as thyself.6. Neighbors are like flowers in the garden of life.7. A
1. Cheers to 28 years!2. Level 28 unlocked!3. Aged to perfection at 28.4. Living my best life at 28.5. Feeling great at 28.6. 28 and fabulous!7. Made in 1993, aged to perfection.8. Another year wiser at 28.9. Officially in my late twenties.10. Twenty-eight and feeling great!11.
1. Monkey see, monkey do.2. Monkey business.3. Monkey around.4. Not my circus, not my monkeys.5. Monkey on your back.6. Like a barrel of monkeys.7. Monkey shines.8. Monkey see, monkey hear, monkey speak no evil.9. Monkey see, monkey think, monkey do.10. Monkey see, monkey learn.
1. She'll be right mate - meaning everything will be okay or it will all work out in the end.2. I'm as dry as a dead dingo's donger - expressing extreme thirst.3. I'm off to the bottle-o - referring to going to the liquor store.4. I'm as full as a goog - meaning feeling very full after drink
1. Join us in celebrating the joy of communion as [Name] takes this important step in their faith journey.2. We invite you to share in the special moment of communion with us as we gather to give thanks and praise.3. Please join us as we come together to witness and celebrate the sacrament of c
1. Aller Anfang ist schwer. - All beginnings are difficult.2. Der frühe Vogel fängt den Wurm. - The early bird catches the worm.3. Wer rastet, der rostet. - He who rests, rusts.4. Nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben. - To not have all your cups in the cupboard.5. Wer anderen eine Gru