Sayings about back stabbers

1. "Beware of those who smile to your face but stab you in the back."

2. "A backstabber is like a shadow, always following you but never truly by your side."

3. "Trust is like a mirror, once broken it can never be the same again."

4. "The snake will always bite the hand that feeds it."

5. "Backstabbers are just insecure people who feel threatened by your success."

6. "A true friend will never stab you in the back, no matter the circumstances."

7. "Backstabbers are like dark clouds, they may temporarily block the sun but they will never extinguish its light."

8. "Keep your circle small, beware of those who pretend to be your friend but are secretly plotting against you."

9. "Backstabbers are like poison, slowly killing your trust and faith in others."

10. "The wounds inflicted by a backstabber may heal, but the scars will always remain."

Above is Sayings about back stabbers.

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