Sayings about being happy with someone

1. "Happiness is being with someone who understands your silence."

2. "The best kind of happiness is the one shared with someone special."

3. "True happiness is found in the presence of those who love and support you."

4. "In the arms of the right person, happiness feels like home."

5. "Happiness is not something you find, it's someone you hold onto."

6. "The greatest joy in life is sharing it with someone who makes your heart happy."

7. "When you find someone who makes you smile, hold onto them and never let them go."

8. "Happiness is being with someone who makes your world brighter."

9. "The key to happiness is finding someone who makes your heart dance."

10. "True happiness is found in the simple moments spent with the ones you love."

Above is Sayings about being happy with someone.

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