Sayings about being hurt by someone

1. "The pain of betrayal is like a knife twisting in your heart."

2. "Being hurt by someone you love is like a deep wound that takes time to heal."

3. "The scars left by betrayal may fade, but the pain lingers on."

4. "Trust broken is like a mirror shattered, the pieces can never be put back together the same way."

5. "The deepest wounds are often inflicted by those closest to us."

6. "Being hurt by someone you trusted is a lesson learned in the hardest way."

7. "The pain of betrayal is a heavy burden to carry, but forgiveness can lighten the load."

8. "The sting of betrayal is a bitter pill to swallow, but it teaches us to be cautious in who we trust."

9. "When someone you care about hurts you, it leaves a scar that never truly fades."

10. "Betrayal by a loved one is a wound that may heal, but the scar remains as a reminder of the pain."

Above is Sayings about being hurt by someone.

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