Sayings about cows and bulls

1. "Don't count your chickens before they hatch, or your cows before they calve."

2. "You can't milk a cow with your hands in your pockets."

3. "Bulls may bellow, but cows deliver the milk."

4. "Don't try to teach a cow how to dance, it will only frustrate you and annoy the cow."

5. "A bull in a china shop is nothing compared to a cow with a grudge."

6. "When the cow is down, many are the butchers."

7. "Don't buy a cow when you can get milk for free."

8. "A cow is a very good animal in the field, but we turn her out of a garden."

9. "The cow that gives most milk is the one that's fed the best."

10. "A bull is strong, but a cow is wise."

Above is Sayings about cows and bulls.

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