Sayings about dangerous sikent people

1. "Beware of the quiet ones, for their silence may be masking a storm of danger."

2. "The most dangerous people are often the ones who say the least."

3. "Silence can be more dangerous than words, for it hides the true intentions of a person."

4. "A silent person can be like a loaded gun, ready to unleash destruction at any moment."

5. "The calmest waters can hide the deepest dangers, just as the quietest people can harbor the darkest secrets."

6. "In the presence of a silent person, tread carefully, for you never know what lies beneath the surface."

7. "The most dangerous individuals are often the ones who observe and listen, rather than speak."

8. "Silent people are like shadows - always present, but their true nature and intentions remain unknown."

9. "The danger of a silent person lies in their ability to move unnoticed, striking when least expected."

10. "Silence can be a weapon in the hands of a dangerous person, concealing their true nature until it's too late."

Above is Sayings about dangerous sikent people.

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