Sayings about days of birth
1. "Your birthday is the beginning of your own personal New Year. Your first birthday was a beginning, and your last birthday will be an end. But in between is your own personal annual opportunity to be reborn." - Jack Kornfield
2. "Birthdays are a time to celebrate the joys of today, the memories of yesterday, and the hopes of tomorrow." - Unknown
3. "The day you were born is a day to celebrate. It's the day you were gifted to the world." - Unknown
4. "Birthdays are a new start, a fresh beginning and a time to pursue new endeavors with new goals. Move forward with confidence and courage. You are a very special person. May today and all of your days be amazing!" - Unknown
5. "A birthday is just the first day of another 365-day journey around the sun. Enjoy the trip!" - Unknown
Above is Sayings about days of birth.
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1. May your love be like a shining beacon, guiding you through life's journey together.2. Wishing you a lifetime of love, laughter, and happiness as you begin this new chapter together.3. May your marriage be a reflection of the love and joy that surrounds you on this special day.4. Here's to
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1. Red Bull gives you wings.2. Red Bull gives you energy for the long haul.3. Red Bull - the ultimate pick-me-up.4. Red Bull fuels your passion.5. Red Bull - the energy drink of champions.6. Red Bull - unleash the beast within.7. Red Bull - fueling your adventures.8. Red Bull - the po