Sayings about dutch

1. "Going Dutch" - sharing the cost of something equally.

2. "Dutch courage" - bravery or confidence gained from alcohol.

3. "If you want to know the Dutch, look at their dikes." - highlighting the Dutch's engineering prowess.

4. "Dutch treat" - a social gathering where each person pays for their own expenses.

5. "Dutch uncle" - someone who gives frank and honest advice, even if it's not what you want to hear.

6. "As stubborn as a Dutchman" - referring to the Dutch reputation for being determined and persistent.

7. "Dutch oven" - a cooking pot with a tight-fitting lid, or a prank involving passing gas under the covers.

8. "In for a penny, in for a pound, as the Dutchman said when he put his wife in the barrel." - a humorous saying about Dutch thriftiness.

9. "God made the world, but the Dutch made Holland." - highlighting the Dutch's land reclamation efforts.

10. "The Dutch have a talent for making the best of things." - praising the Dutch for their resourcefulness and resilience.

Above is Sayings about dutch.

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