Sayings about effort in relationships

1. "Relationships thrive on effort, not on convenience."

2. "The best relationships are built on a foundation of mutual effort and commitment."

3. "Love is not just a feeling, it's a choice we make every day through our actions and efforts."

4. "Effort in a relationship is like water to a plant - without it, the love will wither and die."

5. "The strength of a relationship is measured by the effort both partners put into it."

6. "In a relationship, effort is the currency of love."

7. "True love is not found, it is built through continuous effort and dedication."

8. "Effort is the secret ingredient that keeps a relationship strong and thriving."

9. "A successful relationship requires effort from both partners, not just one."

10. "Effort in a relationship is a reflection of how much you value and cherish the other person."

Above is Sayings about effort in relationships.

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