Sayings about empathy

1. "Empathy is seeing with the eyes of another, listening with the ears of another, and feeling with the heart of another." - Alfred Adler

2. "Empathy is the ability to step into the shoes of another person, aiming to understand their feelings and perspectives, and to use that understanding to guide our actions." - Unknown

3. "Empathy is about finding echoes of another person in yourself." - Mohsin Hamid

4. "Empathy is a quality of character that can change the world." - Barack Obama

5. "Empathy is the key to conflict resolution and understanding." - Unknown

6. "Empathy is the bridge that connects us to one another, even in the midst of our differences." - Unknown

7. "Empathy is a superpower that allows us to connect deeply with others and make a positive impact in their lives." - Unknown

8. "Empathy is not about fixing others, it's about being present with them in their pain and struggles." - Unknown

9. "Empathy is the language of the heart, spoken through kindness, compassion, and understanding." - Unknown

10. "Empathy is the ability to walk in someone else's shoes, to feel what they feel, to understand what they need." - Unknown

Above is Sayings about empathy.

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