Sayings about evil doers

1. "Evil doers never prosper in the end."

2. "The wicked may flourish for a time, but their downfall is inevitable."

3. "Evil deeds breed their own destruction."

4. "The path of the evil doer is paved with deceit and treachery."

5. "Evil doers may escape justice for a while, but their conscience will always haunt them."

6. "The actions of the wicked will eventually catch up to them."

7. "Evil doers sow the seeds of their own downfall."

8. "The darkness of evil can never extinguish the light of goodness."

9. "Evil doers may seem powerful, but they are ultimately weak in spirit."

10. "The evil doer may cause harm, but they will never truly win in the end."

Above is Sayings about evil doers.

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