Sayings about fake friends

1. "Fake friends are like shadows, they follow you in the sun but leave you in the dark."

2. "A true friend sees the good in everything, while a fake friend sees the flaws in everything."

3. "Fake friends are like autumn leaves, they're scattered everywhere when it's convenient but disappear when it's not."

4. "Fake friends are like plastic, they're shiny and attractive on the outside but hollow and empty on the inside."

5. "A fake friend will stab you in the back and then ask why you're bleeding."

6. "Fake friends are like a mirage, they appear real from a distance but disappear when you get close."

7. "A true friend will always be there to lift you up, while a fake friend will only be there to bring you down."

8. "Fake friends are like fair-weather sailors, they only stick around when the seas are calm."

9. "A fake friend will smile to your face and stab you in the back, while a true friend will give you tough love to your face."

10. "Fake friends are like a virus, they infect your life with negativity and toxicity."

Above is Sayings about fake friends.

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