Sayings about friends that backstab you

1. "A friend who betrays you was never a true friend to begin with."

2. "The knife of betrayal cuts deepest when wielded by a friend."

3. "Trust is like a mirror, once broken it can never be the same again."

4. "Beware of the friend who pretends to be loyal but stabs you in the back."

5. "A true friend will never betray your trust, for loyalty is the foundation of friendship."

6. "The saddest thing about betrayal is that it never comes from your enemies, but from those you trust the most."

7. "A friend who betrays you reveals their true character, and it's better to know the truth than to be deceived."

8. "Betrayal by a friend is like a dagger in the heart, leaving wounds that may never fully heal."

9. "The pain of betrayal by a friend is a reminder to be cautious in choosing who we trust."

10. "True friends don't backstab, they have your back through thick and thin."

Above is Sayings about friends that backstab you.

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