Sayings about gujarat

1. "Gujarat nu gaurav, Gujarati nu garv." (The pride of Gujarat, the pride of Gujaratis.)

2. "Jai Jai Garvi Gujarat." (Hail the proud Gujarat.)

3. "Gujarat ma aavo, Gujarat no melo." (Come to Gujarat, experience Gujarat.)

4. "Gujarat ni asmita, Gujarati ni shaan." (The pride of Gujarat, the glory of Gujaratis.)

5. "Gujarat ma jalsa, Gujarati ma dhamaal." (Celebration in Gujarat, fun-loving Gujaratis.)

6. "Gujarat no itihas, Gujarati no vikas." (The history of Gujarat, the progress of Gujaratis.)

7. "Gujarat ni mitti, Gujarati no jeevan." (The soil of Gujarat, the life of Gujaratis.)

8. "Gujarat ni sanskruti, Gujarati no saath." (The culture of Gujarat, the support of Gujaratis.)

9. "Gujarat ni viraasat, Gujarati no vikas." (The heritage of Gujarat, the development of Gujaratis.)

10. "Gujarat ma jalsa, Gujarati ma garba." (Celebration in Gujarat, Gujaratis love to dance.)

Above is Sayings about gujarat.

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