Sayings about innocence

1. "Innocence is like a precious gem that once lost, can never be regained."

2. "Innocence is the purest form of beauty."

3. "Innocence is the language of the heart that speaks without words."

4. "Innocence is the light that shines brightly in a world of darkness."

5. "Innocence is the key to unlocking the mysteries of the world."

6. "Innocence is the foundation of trust and the seed of kindness."

7. "Innocence is the mirror that reflects the true essence of a person."

8. "Innocence is the fragrance of a soul untouched by the harsh realities of life."

9. "Innocence is the source of hope and the wellspring of joy."

10. "Innocence is the gift of a pure heart that sees the world with wonder and awe."

Above is Sayings about innocence.

Achhe log khamosh hai sayings in hindi

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