Sayings about islands

1. "No man is an island." - John Donne

2. "Islands are metaphors of the heart, no matter what poet says otherwise." - Jeanette Winterson

3. "An island is a world on its own, a place where nature and solitude meet." - Unknown

4. "Islands are where all journeys begin and end, where dreams are born and memories are made." - Unknown

5. "The island is a microcosm of the world, a place where beauty and danger coexist in perfect harmony." - Unknown

6. "On an island, time stands still and the soul finds peace." - Unknown

7. "Islands are like dreams, floating in the vast ocean of reality." - Unknown

8. "To escape to an island is to find refuge from the chaos of the world." - Unknown

9. "Every island is a treasure waiting to be discovered, a secret waiting to be revealed." - Unknown

10. "The island is a sanctuary for the weary traveler, a haven for the restless soul." - Unknown

Above is Sayings about islands.

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