Sayings about love and time

1. "Love is like a fine wine, it gets better with time."

2. "Time is precious, but love is timeless."

3. "In love, every moment is worth the wait."

4. "Love knows no bounds, not even time."

5. "Time spent with the ones we love is time well spent."

6. "Love is the only thing that can transcend time."

7. "Time may heal all wounds, but love is what makes the journey worthwhile."

8. "Love is the only thing that can make time stand still."

9. "Time may pass, but true love remains constant."

10. "Love is the most valuable gift we can give, for it is the only thing that truly lasts through time."

Above is Sayings about love and time.

Arabic love sayings translation

Sure, here are some Arabic love sayings translated into English:1. حبي لك لا يمكن وصفه بالكلمات - My love for you cannot be described in words.2. أنت نجمي في سماء الحب - You are the star in the sky of love.3. عيونك تحكي لي قصة حب بلا كلمات - Your eyes tell me a love story without words.4

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