Sayings about luck running out

1. "Luck is a fickle friend, always ready to abandon you when you need it most."

2. "Fortune's wheel turns, and eventually your luck will run out."

3. "Luck is like a candle flame, burning brightly one moment and extinguished the next."

4. "When luck runs out, all that's left is the cold reality of life."

5. "Luck is a fleeting thing, here one moment and gone the next."

6. "Even the luckiest of individuals will eventually see their luck run out."

7. "Luck is a temporary blessing, and when it runs out, we must rely on our own strength."

8. "The well of luck is not bottomless, and eventually it will run dry."

9. "Luck is a fragile gift, easily shattered when its time is up."

10. "When luck runs out, it's a reminder that we must rely on our own abilities to succeed."

Above is Sayings about luck running out.

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