Sayings about magic gone wrong

1. "Be careful what you wish for, for magic has a way of twisting desires into nightmares."

2. "Not all magic is meant to be tampered with, for the consequences of a misstep can be catastrophic."

3. "In the world of magic, even the smallest mistake can lead to the greatest disaster."

4. "When magic goes wrong, it's not just the spell that's broken, but the very fabric of reality."

5. "The allure of magic is powerful, but the price of a misstep can be too high to bear."

6. "In the hands of the inexperienced, magic can be a dangerous tool that leads to chaos and destruction."

7. "Beware the seductive whispers of magic, for they can lead you down a path of ruin if not heeded with caution."

8. "Magic gone wrong is like a wild beast unleashed, wreaking havoc and leaving destruction in its wake."

9. "The line between magic and madness is thin, and a misstep can easily tip the scales towards chaos."

10. "In the realm of magic, there are no second chances for those who underestimate its power."

Above is Sayings about magic gone wrong.

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