Sayings about missing someone far away

1. "Distance means so little when someone means so much."

2. "Missing someone gets easier every day because even though you are one day further from the last time you saw them, you are one day closer to the next time you will."

3. "The pain of missing someone is a reminder of how much you love them."

4. "Even though we are miles apart, you are always in my heart."

5. "Distance cannot separate two hearts that truly care for each other."

6. "Missing someone is your heart's way of reminding you that you love them."

7. "The hardest part of missing someone is not knowing when you will see them again."

8. "The distance may be far, but our love knows no bounds."

9. "Missing someone is a part of loving them."

10. "No matter how far apart we are, you will always be in my thoughts and in my heart."

Above is Sayings about missing someone far away.

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